Monday 7 May 2012

Message for the day 7-05-2012

The Search For Peace, Love and Happiness

We are constantly searching for true values. In consciousness we mistakenly think that the physical world and physical relations can provide us peace, love and happiness. However peace, love and happiness are not the properties of matter, nor of the physical identity, but the true properties or characteristics of the soul. This has to be realized.

Imagine a scene in which you are surrounded by all your favourite things; food, music, fragrance, scenery and companions. Just about to enjoy your meal, the telephone rings and you are told that a person close to you has just died. Instantly, that scene of "favourites" melts into a distasteful and superficial experience. Something has happened that shakes the soul and it can no longer enjoy those things. At the same time it finds itself powerless in the face of the bad news as understanding and power are missing. Life is full of experiences such as this and it becomes clear that physical things are not the sources of peace, love and happiness, but that understanding and inner strength are.

One of the basic facts of human psychology is that we do not seek or desire something that has not been experienced previously. For example, if one has never tasted a mango, there cannot be a burning desire to have a mango. This suggests that desires might be arising from previous life experiences. In fact, it is impossible for a human being to act or desire outside the field of his or her own experience. The search for peace, love and happiness is so fundamental to the human spirit because these are the original and true qualities of the soul itself.

Message for the day 07-05-2012

The method to finish a weakness is to be detached from it.

Expression: When there is some weakness working within that has to be overcome, it is very essential for one to get detached from it, that means not to identify with the weakness. If there is an identification with the weakness, it is further strengthened and there is the inability to get rid of it. Since it is there in the consciousness, it is visible in the words and actions too.

Experience: When I am free from the identification with the weakness, I am able to bring about a change very quickly. I find it very easy to stabilize myself in the awareness of my strength and allow that strength to be revealed in all my words and actions. There is no heaviness of the weakness nor is there the feeling of having to give up something, but transformation takes place very easily.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Message of Day- 15 march 2012

Understanding And Overcoming Ego

To conquer ego, humility and honesty are required. We need the courage to look into the self honestly and acknowledge that the characteristics of 'I know' and 'I control' exist and have to be removed, if there is to be truth and happiness inside. We need to remember the original 'I am' e.g. .I am a child of the Supreme Soul, similar to him in qualities and powers., .I am the soul which is seated on the Supreme Being.s (God.s) heart throne., .I am a knowledgeful soul., .I am a blissful soul who gifts everyone with the treasure of happiness. etc.

Through meditation and remembering the true .I am. (shared above), the pollution of the selfish ego is gradually replaced by the remembrance and the experience of the pure self: the 'I' that is not attached to anything, or anyone, but is completely whole within itself. The expression of this pure entity is not selfish but selfless and the person begins to share with others, everything that he/she possesses . knowledge, specialties, talents, virtues etc. where necessary, facilitating the awakening of the true potential of others, just like sunlight. Light is a great facilitator. It steps in, awakens and then moves on. An ego less person acts, interacts and expresses themselves in this way.


 Message for the day 15-03-2012

The one who checks himself constantly is the one who experiences progress.

Expression: The one who keeps checking himself is also able to bring about a change in himself. Such a person takes each situation as a chance to learn something new and bring about some change for the better. So there is constant improvement in his life.

Experience: When something goes wrong, if I learn to check myself and bring about a change immediately, I will be able to experience constant progress. No situation will make me have negative feelings or make me stop, but I will be able to enjoy everything that comes my way.

Sunday 29 January 2012

29th January message of the day

Self Transformation (Change)

We nourish the soul by going into the depths of silence and learning to love and appreciate the self. Giving time to do this will bring about a change in how we go about doing things, and this will start to show itself in improved relationships and in quality of life. By adopting a systematic and practical approach, we can assist the changes we wish to bring about in our life, otherwise old patterns of behaviour and the influences of the world will weaken our determination and efforts, like the sea tide washing away a sandcastle.

Here are some practical reminders and steps we can take to grow spiritually and bring out transformation (change) in ourselves:

Create a space for silence
Creating a space for inner silence is important and we can also create a corner area or a room used only for this purpose. In that place there is the opportunity, for instance, each morning to prepare for the coming day and, in the evening, to unburden the mind of any wasteful thoughts and feelings that have accumulated during the day.

(To be continued tomorrow..)

Message for the day 29-01-2012

Bring about true change with a firm promise to yourself to change.

Expression: When you find that there is a need for you to change some aspect in yourself, check how strong your thought is. Check if your words are 'I'll try to change or is it I promise to myself I will change.'

Experience: Take any aspect that you would like to change in yourself and take a firm promise to really bring about the desired change. Also remind yourself of your promise each day so that it is further strengthened.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Message for 26 January 2012

Today's Topic

Message of 25 January 2012

                                                               Today's   Topic

                                                                  Anger Management                                              

How to manage your anger?

Keep a daily chart for one week for the questions below, the answers to which will help you manage emotions of anger, irritation, frustration, etc. more effectively. Review your progress at the end of each day and then at the end of one week. Having made your observations, make improvements for the next week. Keeping this chart for a month, will help you manage and overcome your anger much better.
1. During which event today did you get angry or irritated...even a little?

2. What was the type of your thoughts at that time?

3. Which negative thought/thoughts contributed to your stress the most?

4. What positive thoughts helped you to regain your calmness and composure?

5. How long did it take to regain your calmness?

6. Why did it take so long to regain your peace?

7. What would you do differently and more appropriately if the same scene happened tomorrow? 

To think of the solution is to have the ability to change the situation.

Expression: When there is a situation, which is difficult to deal with, the mind is usually caught up with it. But just thinking about it would not create a solution. When thinking is focused solely on finding a solution, then there is the ability to find the available resources and use them to change the situation.

Experience: When I am constantly looking for answers, I find the richness that is lying within. I appreciate and use both internal and external resources. I am free from complaints about problems, and I never give excuses for whatever is happening. I only appreciate what is there to bring about a positive change. 

Just share your feelings........